He did that - even at 15 years old - even in front of his friends - really everywhere. I love that he still called me mommy. He would tell his friends on xbox that he had to go because 'his mommy was asking for his help'. The ways he showed love to me spoke so deeply to my heart.
Well, I wanted to share something with you. It is dear to my heart indeed.
Jacob was full of joy. Jacob was full of encouragement and hope. Many of you already know this. Many of you saw this every day at school - or at church. He was kind and gentle. He had a servant's heart and was just overall a wonderful young man. There is a reason. You see, Jake knew that he messed up every day. He knew that I messed up every day. He knew that the earth is full of broken people. He knew that we were no exception. But, he knew something deeper... something far more important.
He knew that God loved him, God loved us anyway.
When sin entered the world, He had to remove Himself from us. He is altogether Holy. He cannot be in the presence of our sin. And it grieved His Spirit. So, He made a way - through Jesus Christ. He said that a Son would be born to us - a Savior that would come to earth to redeem us (Luke 1:31-38; 2:8-20). His precious Son came as a baby - lived a perfect life - and died because I am sinful, because Jake was sinful, because you are sinful. He took on my sin - He took on the sin of the whole world. He took our shame upon Himself so that I could spend eternity in a real place called Heaven if I only confess that I am sinful and need His salvation. John 3:16-17 says this, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him."
Right now many people are asking why my Jacob died. They want autopsy results to reveal the "problem". They want reasons. Inconclusive is not good enough. I understand that. But, for me, it is more precious that it is a mystery to us. I believe with all of my heart that God took him - much like Enoch. God walked beside him and delighted in him. And, on February 5th, 2013 at 2:00pm, it was time for him to go home - to walk with God.
Jake's work here was completed.
He had accomplished all that God had intended for him.
He had lived life well. That is why it hurts so badly for us. He was an amazing man of God. His friends told me that at camp they called him Mac. At first, I didn't like the sound of that - and then they helped me understand that it stood for Man After Christ. Wow. What an endorsement! Nothing greater can be said about anyone.
He was at school, he was playing dodgeball, and then he collapsed. I believe that his spirit was gone before his body hit the ground. I believe that he was in the presence of Jesus before he fell. The coaches did everything correctly. They tried with all of their might to bring my boy back. They did everything they could. But, he was already in the presence of Jesus giving glory to the One that deserves it all- why would he want to leave that to come back here?
I cannot grieve the same way that others grieve. Don't misunderstand me... I grieve. I mourn from the depths of my soul. I MISS MY BOY!!! He was an honor and a blessing to me every single day. Hear me... every. single. day. But, he is with my Jesus. He no longer has any burden to carry. I am mourning the times I thought I had ahead of us with him. Graduation. Marriage. Grandkids.
In a moment the other afternoon, I was at home all by myself. The house was so quiet. I was playing worship music and a song came on that says, "I am leaning on you Jesus, with all my longing laid before you now. And all I'm needing is you Jesus, and all my wanting is satisfied somehow. There is no higher worth in all the earth but to love you, how I love you. No greater call, no life at all but to love you... How I love you." Later on it says, "How I love you... love you, Jesus, Jesus. How I love you, love you... Jesus - oh how I love you, I love you."
It was at that moment in the song that I fell to the ground.
Knees hitting hard.
Tears falling hard.
Crying out - singing from the depths of my soul that I did love Him - though, I could not honestly sing that all of my wanting was satisfied. In that moment, in that very real moment with my God... I told Him that I want my boy - and though I want to be fully satisfied, I was not... and I was struggling to love Him. In that moment He looked on me with compassion. He knelt down beside me and He lifted my face. He loved that I was honest before Him. He loved that I - in my humanness, in my brokenness... was still desperately trying to love Him with all that I have. It was enough for my King. It was enough.
My heart does grieve. I assure you. But, my heart does not grieve without hope.
I am praying - begging the Lord that if any one of you reading this doesn't understand this hope - this peace that I have ~ to the deep places in my heart and my soul ~ that you reach out to me or to someone you know that has placed all of their hope in Jesus. Ask me anything you want... I want to share the hope that Jacob had. The hope that I have. Our goodbye is only temporary. I will get to be reunited with my Jake one day. I will get to stand in the Holy presence of my Jesus - right beside my precious boy and my beautiful momma. And we will no longer hurt or cry or have pain. We will be healed. Completely restored to the glory that God intended for us in the very beginning of time.

missing sweet jake.
love you, and your beautiful heart for Christ
missing sweet jake.
love you, and your beautiful heart for Christ
Precious, beautiful, inspired words.
Continued prayers for your family...
Denise Perkins
I have a dear friend whose very young and healthy husband just fell over in the snow in Vail and passed away...on the mountain-just about to ski down. As you, she knows for sure that his spirit was with Jesus before his body ever hit the snow. I couldn't agree more-and as much as Jacob loved his mommy and family, he would of course never choose to return. So glad he not only has Jesus, but also has your mom to hang out with. Beautiful post...Julie Fowler
Such a beautiful post. <3 Praying for you.
This was so beautiful. I do not know you but by your blog, but you are a sister in Christ. I cried while reading this, the Lord was IN your writing. He will be glorified by your testimony! I am sorry for your loss, but you are right, you have a hope that will get you through this tough time. May the Lord bless you and keep you, hold you up and heal your broken heart. He is all we need, He is faithful and He will lift you up! In Jesus name!!
Amazing post. I have been praying for you and your family since bh told her blog. Today I came over to see your post. I am crying because of the love you have for Him. I am 23 no kids, recently married but have lost about 15 friends in 8 years and have watched parents who do not have the same hope and love for Him struggle. I am so glad you and your son have this love. Your son is taking in all the wonder so when you join he can tell you all about it.
Oh, my heart breaks for your mama's heart. Yet, with tears streaming down my face, I can rejoice that God has a perfect plan. Jacob's life was not in vain as your testimony brings glory to God. Hugs.
This could not have been said any better. God bless you!!
I found your story from your sister-in-law's blog. What beautiful words you share here. So full of hope & love. So full of Jesus. Thank you for sharing your heart in such a difficult time!
Beautiful words...Your son sounds like he was one special young man. His nickname...and given to him by the friends that God placed in his life.
I just came across JJ Heller's new song. "Who You Are"...The chorus is: "Sometimes I don't know, I don't know what You're doing, but I know who You are. You have Father's heart and a love that's wild. And you know what it's like to lose a child."
Prayers up for you and your family.
Beautiful words...Your son sounds like he was one special young man. His nickname...and given to him by the friends that God placed in his life.
I just came across JJ Heller's new song. "Who You Are"...The chorus is: "Sometimes I don't know, I don't know what You're doing, but I know who You are. You have Father's heart and a love that's wild. And you know what it's like to lose a child."
Prayers up for you and your family.
I am amazed and humbled by your continued faith in the face of what would normally crumble anyone else.
May God continue to comfort and heal your soul.
Peace be with you.
Your brokenness , your words, your honesty, oh what a blessing. I have faced the shadow of the Valley of death, but did not behave in away that would bring glory to our Jesus, for this I am so sorry and regretful. God has already forgave me. I love to be able to lift your family up in prayers..Please know you and Jacob are touching lives EVERYWHERE.. Love in Christ, Linda Laws Lowe , NC
May God continue to give you strength and peace and when those have gone -- may He love you through others and give you comfort to bring it back. Thank you for sharing your story.
I heard about you through your SIL's blog. Our prayers are with you.
Christy, first off-thank you for sharing your heart. So openly. So freely. I can't imagine the pain you are feeling now. You and Jacob are clear proof that Jesus is our Rock and salvation. Secondly, b/c you say we can ask anything- how can I get to know Jesus better? Can you recommend any Bible studies that focus on him, or an order to read the Bible. I'm struggling. I want to know Him. I don't know where to start. I don't even feel right asking a grieving mother for help; but your faith is so clearly real that I would love any advice you can offer. Thank you for sharing Christ with us. -Ashley
I "stumbled" on to this article on Pinterest. I have never read your blog, nor do I know anything about you, but you have encouraged me. In my life, I have known nothing but death. Without going into details, I have attended more funerals for close family and friends than I am years old. Though I have never fully turned from God, I've been quite mad at him for a long time. Thank you for helping to shift my vision. You are a blessing.
ASHLEY! What a gift you are giving me by asking me that question! I would love to talk more with you about this. I highly recommend starting in the book of John in the Bible. John repeatedly calls himself the disciple that Jesus loves. So, he writes in a way that makes me long to know Jesus like he did. As far as a book or a Bible study - I absolutely loved "Jesus the One and Only", by Beth Moore. I would love to talk with you more about pressing in to know Jesus more and more. You can find me on Facebook - and message me- and I will give you a better way to contact me!
Meagan - love you so much!
Other friends who have commented - you have blessed my heart in ways that only the Lord knows.
Suzanne - I can't wait to hear that song. Music moves my heart in a very deep way.
Linda! Thank you for encouraging my heart - and I am so thankful that you know that you are forgiven... I do not know your story, so I do not know if you ever really needed forgiveness for the way that you grieved... God loves us even in our weakness - maybe especially in our weakness. But even if you did need forgiveness - I know that God has forgiven because you asked ~ and He delights in you as His daughter, and He has used you to touch my heart. So, thank you for commenting.
Rebecca Ayers ~ thank you for sharing that with me. You have blessed my heart - given ME hope that God is moving in ways I could never understand - or come up with on my own. Many blessings to you as you find Him as your Faithful God.
You are an amazing example. I love and share the faith that you have in the Lord. His timing is the perfect timing and we are so endebted to the Savior for His redeeming grace and the gift of resurrection. May the Lord bless you, your family, and may your home be a place of comfort and peace. Annalee
I dont know you, but I feel your pain. Exactly one year before your precious Jacob was taken, God swooped down and took my darling daughter Carolyn, my only child. On Feb 5, 2012. She died quietly in her sleep, in her home with her husband and son, my gransdon named Jacob. She was in excellent health and worked out every day. She was never sick a day in her life. I know too well the shock you are feeling. I dont mean to sound cruel, but there are many more shattered days ahead of you. My crying and disbelief did not stop because of my belief that God held her safely in His arms. It came in waves....when I least expected, and when I was sure it would come. I cried thru every church service, thru all the music and hymns, thru every sermon. I cried beyond all reason. One day my husband asked me why church made me cry so much, and it all came tumbling out. All my doubts, the should haves and the what ifs. I cried the whole 2 hour way home, and strangely, after that cleansing cry, I was at peace. Of course I still cry at the cemetery, and when I look at pictures. I cry thinking how she will never see her son grow up and become a man, or to see her grandchildren. But I know she is with Jesus. I see Him in his white robe, standing there with his arm warmly around her, waving to me with His other hand that she is OK. I wish this comfort for you as well. I dont know you, but my niece, Jenny, is a friend of yours, and I am glad you are surrounded by loving friends. Perhaps my Carolyn was there to take your Jacobs hand and help him along the journey. From one mother to another, no one can truly understand our grief, and I send you my most heartfelt prayers and compassion. May God Bless you and your family
June Jenneke
Seminole, FL
Amazing. Thank you for your words of love, healing, and redemption.
Thank You, for sharing in your sorrow...
I came across your blog from a FB friend's post with your blog link. I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our 16yo. son Matt 19 months ago. It is a long, long journey. We grieve deeply, as you said, but not without the hope of Christ. I have found blogging, too, to be helpful. I have a blog at www.AWindowIntoGrief.blogspot.com. I would be very happy to talk with you, too, if you would like to connect. My email is tiggerandbug@yahoo.com. Also, GriefShare.org has been a wonderful resource for my husband and I. It's a 13 week Christian support group for the loss of a loved one. We highly recommend it. You can search for one in your area from their website. ((hugs)) Angie
Thank you for sharing many things that I have been feeling as well. We lost our daughter in Sept. in a car accident and like you, I have hope in Jesus, but the reality is every day you miss your child incedibly. I have also wondered if her spirit was already gone when the doctors were trying their hardest to save her. I was told that there was peace surrounding her amidst the chaos of the accident scene. I have chosen to believe that was Jesus with her. We are still working through all of this and I guess that will take awhile, but I thank God for His faithfulness to us and that Hannah was a believer and that we will see her again one day. Thank you for your openness.
Hi again Christy! :) I am actually not on Facebook anymore. Been off of it for about year. But you can email me at ashlinsc@yahoo.com. Thank you so much for replying. You are such an encouragement & inspiration. -Ashley
MAC....strong and courageous....just like you. It is beautiful. I am thinking and praying for strength and peace and love during this time.
I just clicked over from your SIL's blog - first time reader . . . but I lost my brother at 15. Sending you all the love and prayers and grace from the Father to you in this time. It's so hard, but your words are so true - he's safe and he ran his race! Hallelujah! Much love to you and your family from MN...
Years have passed Ashley! I am so sorry! Please reach put to me again. I feel like it was such a whirlwind at that time. My email is christylynkelly@gmail.com. I would love to hear how you are and talk about this more!Grace and Peace to you!!
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