Early this morning, the Lord whispered a friend's name into my mind... and He kept her there. After I took Jake to school, I called her to see if she could hang out today.
What a beautiful surprise that she could - AND she was headed to her mom's house. This was a special treat as her mom has a very special place in my heart.
God knew exactly what I needed today. He knew exactly what my heart was yearning for - and in a sweet way, on a beautiful day - He was more than abundant.
It is funny, because I have come to expect abundance from my God. But, on days like this, He still surprises me with His love. I got to remember sweet things and we laughed. I got to remember sad things and we got a little teary.
It made me so thankful that God planned long ago for our paths to cross, and more than that... He planned for eternity. I do not have just one lifetime to love these precious ladies. We have forever. We will praise Him, as sisters and dearest of friends forever. What a gift that He would bring people into our lives for the times that could seem hopeless or dreary - and instead it turns the whole ordeal into an opportunity to grow in Faith and trust. What a gift that He brings us into each other's lives so that we can pray for them and love them.
Then, I got home and another precious gift was waiting. Another dear friend of mine was helping prepare a meal this evening for our adoption agency (APO). It was so wonderful to get to cook with her and see her beautiful smile. She has been so dear to me over the past few years. She "mother's" me. She loves me and serves me as if she were my momma. It is precious to my heart - that has ached for a momma for over 17 years.
God is so good to have planned for these women to be in my life. Tonight I am going to rest remembering how we need each other, and how sweet life is when we love Him with our lives. I am so thankful to get to Worship this magnificent God with these precious precious ladies!