My heart is just grieving right now. I know that I have said that we have no idea what kind of life our sweet birthmother lived to bring her to this place of placing Mia in our hands. But, God in His sweet faithfulness has given me a closer look at what this precious girl has been through. It has been such a privilege to know Blair. She has given me much more insight than I thought I would ever have. But, with that, is an ache that I cannot describe in words. Our birthmother has lived through things that you and I have not even read about in books. There was no one to turn to for her. She withstood many things that would have caused me to crumble, and all when she was still just a little fragile girl. God has a plan for her life. God loves her more than I do. But, please, if you read this, stop right now and pray for her. Pray that she would come to know God as the Healer of her heart. Pray that she would know His love and His character in ways that He will have to reveal to her in supernatural ways. And be thankful for your life. Please be thankful for the life you have lived.