Well, as is the nature of adoption... each month that goes by is one month that we are closer to holding our sweet baby in our arms! Exciting times are coming as I will have two little ones running around in diapers and babbling! We have FINALLY done it. We have finally gotten everything done so that our lifebook can be put into circulation. I thought months ago it would be out... but now, really as of next week, we will be "out there"... Alright to all of you who said we were already "out there" :) Please be praying for Maddy. I didn't realize that she still thought we were just waiting on a birthmom to choose us, and it fostered a lot of doubt in her. Now that we really will be showing our lifebook, I will continually talk with them all about what a birthmom has to go through during this choosing process - hopefully taking the anxiety off of them and replacing it with a prayerful heart for her. We have now been able to talk about the fact that our lifebook wasn't even being shown, and it did help, but I really want her to understand that even if it takes another 9 months to be chosen, God has all of the timing worked out... and He knows everything about our baby!
I am so excited that the time has really come! We are really all done getting paperwork filled out! I couldn't be more thrilled about it. I praise God for our adoption agency APO. They continually kept in contact with us - spurring us on, to get everything done. They are such a loving group of people. I love them truly. Praise God with me that we are almost there... ha! Almost ready to wait again :) I will keep you informed how it all goes, but rejoice with me that we are here!