One of my very dear family members is struggling so much with the character of God. She is aching and she is angry. She has dealt with many hard things in her lifetime. Life has never been kind to her. All of a sudden the lies of the enemy sound truer than the Truth. The feelings brought forth by the circumstances speak louder than the quiet whisper of the Spirit. The Word is set aside and prayer has ceased because the enemy is winning in the battleground of her mind. Would you please hold my sweet family member in your prayers? Would you pray that God would reveal Himself to her in a deeply personal and healing way? Would you pray that the lies of the enemy would be silenced by the Truth of God's Word? And would you pray that she return to the Lord - for He is the only shelter she has. Think of Job and his losses - and you will have a semi-accurate picture of the depth of her torment. She is sinking - and I am enlisting you, because we belong to the same family - to lift her in prayer with me to the Healer of all things broken. God knows just how to reveal Himself. But, I am praying He will do it quickly.
Thank you for joining with me in prayer. Even now the prayers are rising as a sweet aroma to our God. I love the picture He paints for us in the Word of our prayers. He hears them, sometimes He smells them (I am looking up specific Scriptures tomorrow morning)... and He will answer them.
Much Love,
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