Monday, June 6, 2011

Thinking outside the box...

I am not usually one to brag too much on my kiddos.  Let's face it... everybody thinks their kids are amazing. 

But, look at this picture.  Do you see a random assortment of junk?  Or do you see what he saw, mind you - before it was built? 
He built his name from a pile of garbage. 

I would have NEVER thought to do something like that.  I just don't "see" that way.  But, he sees everything through the lens of creativity. 
Read this:

The War in the Town
By: Jared

Oned day
A baby
Was being born
That day
There was
A war
The baby's mom
Her life
For the baby
And died

He is 8 years old.  He was told to write a poem - about whatever he thought of - leaving spaces between the lines.  Unbelievable. 
He dreams about moving to New York and putting his art in a museum.  If I am not mistaken... he is well on his way. 
What a cool kid.  Yep, he's mine.  :)


Ken said...

That's unreal!!! I am CONSTANTLY amazed at his creativity & vision.

Anonymous said...

To Jared… it is not un-real. It is just the norm. ‘No big deal.’ Being a "qualified GT teacher" I have noticed little things about Jared from day one. (Studying Giftedness in students is my thing.) His giftedness shines like a million light bulbs around his head, to me... Always has. Being gifted has many pros and cons. I just hope that his ideas are nurtured and that he is continually encouraged to explore them, throughout his education. Funny that I read this today... I just left an all day GT conference! I have tons of literature on this if ya ever need/ want it!! I love this! You go Jared! “What box?”

Christy said...

@Kari - no doubt, he just got accepted into gifted and talented at school. That mixed with the dual language stuff ought to make this kid unstoppable in ANYTHING he wants to pursue. It is just cool... I told him you thought he was awesome :) He loved that! And I would love some neat tips or things that I can do to encourage his thinking and prompt more of it!