I always think it is beautiful how Winter melts into Spring. This year we are getting to see it, even in Texas! Ha, that is if it will ever really melt away. I love it. I love Spring. I love it when the bright green blades of grass dare to poke through the hardened dried up dead grass. I love it when the sun comes out and peeks through on a cool day, and reminds me that no matter how cloudy a day is, if the Lord tells the sun to break through, it will.
We have found some amazing people to rent our house. The Lord is so good. I fell in love with them as they walked with me through the house. It was my delight that they fell in love with our house too. It is a great house! The season is changing alright.
I am meeting with a few different people about the business this week. Wow. What a crazy month. Tomorrow, Christian will be 3 weeks old. We have really had some interesting things happen this month. I realized as I was listening to a sermon about Believing God (I can't remember the man's name that was teaching, but he was broadcasting from India), I realized that we were in a bit of a situation like Abram. God told him to go. He told him to go to a place He would tell him about. That is us. We felt certain that we were to put the house on the market. We have renters. We now are headed to a place that we are waiting to see exactly where it is. He told us to sell the business. We are meeting with people to sell the business to, but we don't know who they are (yet), and we don't know what we will do afterwards. He is simply telling us to move on. He is reminding us that He is the God who is in control - with a captial "C". He made all of creation. He knows what is best, and He wants what is good for us. That is the part I find that the enemy wants to steal away. He doesn't want us to remember that God has good intentions towards us. But, Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that He knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. That is the God I serve. He has good plans for us. Prosper may not mean financially - but it is so clear that it means better... in His way, whatever that looks like, it is better. He wants to give us hope. I haven't dared let my heart hope for some things in a very long time. I had forgotten how to believe for something I didn't yet have - or something that my circumstances weren't directly pointing to. Bummer. I thought for a while I believed God, really believed Him for things. I did believe Him for Mia. No doubt. I knew that He had the situation entirely taken care of. But, for all of these other things... my hope was not in a person (Jesus), it was in the thing.... the thing that I hoped about. I have a hope. My hope is in Christ. It is one thing to say it, and another entirely to mean it. My hope is not in what Christ has yet for me, it is in what Christ has already given me. My eternity is sealed - forever - and cannot be taken from me. My hope is that I will dwell in the presence of God for all of eternity. And this hope cannot be shaken. This truth cannot be taken from me. Wow.
I believe that He has a promised land for me here on this earth. I believe that if I will believe Him, I could learn a lesson from those who have gone before and enter that land - here on earth. Only by His grace will I have belief like that. Only by His mercy could that not be taken from me. I am asking Him that I would truly love Him wholeheartedly. I am asking Him that I would truly hope in just one thing... in one amazing man, Jesus Christ. He is my hope of glory. He is my righteousness.
Anyway, the seasons are changing for the Simmons'. I feel a fresh wind blowing in, much like that in Mary Poppins, only, this wind is ushering in the very things of God. The God who is at work all around us. We are getting to watch His hands move all around us. That is a season worth celebrating. The uncertainties are really few... though they seem like many, simply because He is never uncertain. He is always doing the right thing, and He is the One who has begun a work. Bring it to completion, Lord. Finish the work you have begun in us. Let us believe you, let us trust you and let us bring you much glory!
Wow, Christy! It sounds like the Lord is really sending you guys on an adventure! I can't wait to see how it all unfolds. He is faithful! Love you :)
I love you and can't wait to see you very soon!
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