Jude's Here! What a precious boy he is! He is so sweet and little! He weighed 7lbs. 9 ozs., and was 19 and a half inches long. We are doing really well at home. I can't wait to see how much he weighs today! We are going to our first weight checkup. He is a really content baby, and his brothers and sister adore him! They all love to hold him and just look at him. We are adjusting really well and we are so glad to be home and finding our "normal". Today was the first day that we actually feel like we are on a semi-schedule. The first few nights have been spent making adjustments and finding what works for his sleep patterns, and mine :) We are really excited about Christmas and just being a quiet family Christmas. We will be able to just relax and love on each other while being so thankful to our God for sending us His Son into the world in such lowly circumstances. What an amazing God, and what an amazing plan! Enjoy your loved ones this Christmas and know that God put you in exactly the family He knew you needed and needed you! Love you all,
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