Jacob starts "intermediate" school this year. 5th grade. That's right - my firstborn is ten in less than two weeks! Unbelievable! He has been such a blessing to me over the last few months. He is now the resident dishwasher, garbage man, and sometimes cook. He is amazing! My favorite thing that he does right now is rub on my ever growing belly. He pats it, kisses it, and rubs on it several times a day and asks me things like, "Are you sure the baby can hear me?" Precious boy!
Maddy is going into the 2nd grade. She just turned 7! That is scary to me! She is growing up faster than I know what to do with. She is so smart, and of course, so beautiful. She is my prayer warrior. She prays with me and for me and for her friends. What a joy to God's heart to hear her lift her voice in prayer. She is also an amazing ice-skater! Oh my goodness! She is certainly on her way to becomming my real ice princess! She is an incredible girl! She is always making up new dances and new "plays" to perform for us. And praise the Lord - she is way more graceful than her mother!
And of course, Jared. This boy starts school this year! Kindergarden! Wow! We are so excited that he got in the dual language program. He will be learning Spanish every single day for half of the day. In fact, his teacher won't speak a word of English to the class at all. Talk about a good way to learn quickly! He is certain to be the class clown, and I am praying that I won't have to frequent the school for discipline! He is such a funny boy. What a joy to my heart! He is also my encourager. He saw me painting my nails just yesterday and said, "Mommy, your nails look pretty." Wow! He notices everything.
Ken and I are planning a get away for October because we remember pretty well what it is like to have a new baby in the house. So, we are looking at taking a cruise and having a little "us time". He spoils me!
The daycare is going well, we're gearing back up for the fall. Patty does an incredible job of keeping everything running smoothly.
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