How do you find comfort if you don't know the Comforter? The Lord is an amazing God... a BIG God. He is the only God. He is completely Sovereign and altogether Good. His plan is love, and His plan never fails. His ways are higher than my ways, and so also His thoughts. He holds in His hands all of the world, and nothing is too little for Him to notice, or too big for Him to take care of. Isn't that comforting? But imagine if all of that just sounded a little too good to be true. What if that just seemed like something nice to tell yourself so that you could sleep at night. But, what if you didn't really believe it? Then what?
God has been reminding me lately in scripture that there are things that have happened throughout history that have risen to Him as a fragrant offering. It wasn't the grandest, most amazing things... it was in the daily things.. and it rose all the way to the Heavens! I was just reading this morning about Cornelius in Acts chapter 10. His deeds came before the Lord as a memorial offering.
I want every detail of this adoption to come before Him as an offering of some kind. I want the fragrance to be sweet to the Lord. I am all but begging those of you who love us to pray with urgency for Candice. There is a battle over her soul. I know that He hears our prayers, and He will respond. I believe He will draw her near to Himself. I would love for you to pray for her protection over this weekend. She has a hard life. She needs the Comforter to visit her in a very real way. I believe that the papers aren't signed because He will get more glory in the wait. Psalm 111 tells us that EVERYTHING He does reveals His glory. He is powerful! There is no heart so hard that the double-edged sword cannot pierce it. There is no one who can hide from the Creator of the Universe. Even darkness is as light to Him. He is inviting us to pray - to take part in causing His will to be done in the life of Candice, her mother, and so many others. It is an opportunity to pray His Kingdom come to a whole community of folks that need Him. If you are praying that she will sign the papers, I will not ask you to stop... but I am begging that the focus of your prayers would be her soul. I am asking that you pray for her peace and her to find Truth - in His good time she will sign the papers. I believe that with all of my heart. But, in the meantime the enemy is robbing her of peace, and life... and he is trying to destroy her.
We sit, having a comfy-cozy life. I am snuggled up right now with a precious, tiny, pink, peaceful little girl asleep on my chest. Candice sits, hurting and aching... not knowing that there really is a God who sees her. I know that the Lord has a plan for her life. He has a great plan. Her life will not be easy, but it can be full of peace and joy and love. Please pray for her. I don't know how else to say it... she needs us to fight for her in prayer. Do not be discouraged, and do not be afraid. God's timing will be amazing.. and I am asking that we will all stand in awe of Him. Then we will sing together Psalm 9... "I will praise you Oh Lord, with all of my heart. I will tell of the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name!" Please take a minute, even now and pray. Praise Him for the things He has done, and the things He will do. He is worthy of all of our adoration and praise!
I love you and I love your heart for others! You amaze me....
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