He knows what we need before we even ask. He is not caught off guard by any of our circumstances. He is not surprised by any event that happens in our lives.
He is not angry and ready and waiting to beat us down when we mess up. He is, rather, sitting - ready and willing to show us how to live in abundance when by earthly standards, we would be labeled in poverty.
I so prefer His abundance to the world's. I mean it.
Last night I was talking with my oldest - Jake. I was telling him how we couldn't travel for Thanksgiving because I need four new tires before we can go anywhere that far away. I told him it wasn't in the budget at all this month, but I would get tires before Christmas.
He looked at me and said, "Are you sure we will have the money before then?" I had to be honest. I told him that I didn't know how we would have the money, but God knows everything we need before we even ask. I also told him that God loves to bless us in only the way He knows how... and that if we are supposed to be traveling by car at Christmas God would provide what we need. This morning, I walk out to find a beautiful fall display - and inside - a jar... full to the top with coins, and beside it "Aladdin" which just happens to be in my top 5 Disney movies of all time - and one that we don't already own! What???
You cannot imagine how excited I was to go wake Jake up and tell him about it - actually, I let Jared... after we both sat with our mouths open for a while. It hadn't even been 12 hours and we had the money for 2 (maybe 3) of the four tires - and fruit roll-ups and a GREAT movie.
We sorted the money tonight and all took turns (including Jude and Mia) praying a blessing over the someone/someones who put that gift together for us. I pray that they can somehow know how God used their gift to drill into my kids hearts the very Faithfulness of the God we serve. It was amazing to watch them grasp His love to our family through that gift.
I was overwhelmed. I am so thankful. I do not doubt that God will provide for our every need. Month to month it gets a little uncomfortable. But, more than once my yellow gas light has come on, and I have not known how we were going to put gas in the car - and when I get to my office, there is a little envelope on the floor with money for the tank. More than once, I have been uncertain by the middle of the month how we would make it to the end- and yet, every single day God proves Himself Faithful. He knows what we need before we ask - and He knows EVERYTHING we need. He knows every desire in our hearts. He knows every thought before we think it. We are fully known by Him, and we are fully loved.
This song came to mind this morning as I stood and stared at the sweet wooden word "FAITH" that was included in our basket of love...
How deep the Father's love for us, How vast beyond all measure
That He would give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure...
Praise His name - His holy name. He is righteous and loving in all that He does.