God has never let us down. Never. Surely He has done things we didn't understand. Surely He has done things that we would have NEVER done without Him. After all, Isaiah makes it clear that His ways and thoughts are not at all like ours! I am so thankful for that. Here are the things I KNOW about my God:
He is Faithful - even when I am not. (2 Timothy 2:13)
He is Merciful - and He wants us to understand what mercy really is. (Matt. 9:13)
He is Sovereign over all things! (Isaiah 40:28-29)
He is so Good. (Psalm 34:8, Matt. 19:17)
So, with eyes that long to see that - REALLY grasp that - I tell you the rest. Trusting that you will agree to trust the Lord with me as we travel through a season of change.
11 years ago God gave us a gift. We, who were uneducated, and completely destitute "bought" a daycare that was really just sent to us with a bow all wrapped up - just waiting for us to tear into the paper and see what good things He had planned inside. 8 years ago, God gave us a second daycare. Another chance to become financially independent - and to recognize His goodness to us. It is so sweet to remember all that He did. It is sweet to remember a church family that gathered around us as we headed into scary, but beautiful water with our God going before us - and coming right behind us.
This season is very different. It seems that it is entirely possible that He is asking us to let go of that gift. To exchange it for another gift (that we have yet to hold in our hands - or see with our eyes). We don't know what He will give us as we let go of this gift. We don't know where He will lead us, or what it looks like. In my humanness, that is terrifying. But, with one glimpse at scripture, with one taste of His Word, I am peaceful in my heart that whatever lies ahead will be even better than that which we had before. I am certain of it.
So for now, we search for a new house to make our home and we trust that God will provide renters for the home we have had for 8 years. We search to simplify the things that have become complicated. We search to find the perfect middle of the line between trusting and resting in our God and moving our hands and feet to the rhythm He is playing for us. It is hard not to just start applying for jobs, or looking for endless possibilities for our "business minds". It is also difficult to trust that we will hear exactly what we need to hear. It made me sad to see the places where I was striving (in my mind) to "control" the situation. To hang on to what we have, or go full force forward with something else... But, I sense that God will tell us when we need to move forward. I trust that my trust doesn't have to be in what Ken or I can do to help pay the bills, or keep everything going. My confidence and my trust must be in the One who is worthy of it. After all, if Christ trusted Him to the death, can't I at least give Him my whole life? That is what He is asking. We will likely have a different home, a different "job", a different way of life... but we have the SAME God - and in this we can rest.
Candice is doing so well. It is beautiful how the Lord has placed me beside her. What a privilege to walk beside her right now. I love her so deeply, and she is choosing life - every day. She is choosing to trust in God for her right now, and for her future. She is studying His Word. She is doing a daily devotional... and she is overcoming the strongholds that have held her back for so long. I dare you to tell me that I don't serve a God who is ABLE! He is so very able to do more than we can ask or imagine. So, if you agree with me, please say a prayer right now that we will trust Him, hear Him, and follow Him - no matter how stormy the waters seem... no matter how dark and scary. He is the same God who parted the Red Sea and provided a ram. He is the same God that shook the entire Earth. He is the same God that brought a dead man back to life. He is the Alpha, the Omega... the beginning and the end. And He has my heart.