Has God ever given you an assignment that you knew was from Him? Did it seem bigger than anything that you could handle on your own? Did you immediately start doubting that it was indeed the Lord who was calling you to the task? Did you set out – in small faith, or big - and soon after your feet slipped out from under you and you doubted the whole thing was ever really from the Lord? I am often surprised how we skip over small words in the Bible. Words that would bring freedom if we would look at them a little longer. I was reading Joshua. Just the first part of the first chapter. No extensive reading, just asking the Lord to show me all the scripture that He wanted me to meditate on. I tend to read chapters and chapters and find so much encouragement. However, I think the motto for right now is slow down. Sit and read a small amount and reflect on my Word, my Truth and my Goodness. So, Joshua it was this morning. Anyway, I noticed that God told him, “I am with you just as I was with Moses, my servant. I won’t leave you, or abandon you – and here is my command – be strong and courageous. It was a command. He had even told him how to stand strong. He said to meditate on the book of His commands. He gave him the answers before the test, and Joshua still failed. Test #1 – be strong and courageous – I have already given you every place you will set your feet.
So, then Joshua goes to the leaders, the officers of Israel, and he commands them to get ready to go. They tell him “Yes, we will do whatever you command us, and we will go where you send us…So be strong and courageous.” Isn’t that something? At this point, he didn’t even have resistance from his top leaders. They said, we know you are in charge and we are ready to follow – by the way – be strong and courageous, just as God said. I always kind-of imagined that Joshua was pulled aside by some of the leaders, and at their urging, he sent out spies. But, according to Joshua 2:1 – Joshua sent out the spies secretly. It was as if the enemy started whispering to him as soon as he went to the leaders and told him he was foolish – or could it have been the Lord who sent him on this mission- a mission with a purpose. We do know it was very soon after he met with the leaders because the spies stayed in the hills for three days. That was the same amount of time that Joshua had told the leaders that he would have to prepare to go to battle. So, it really seems like he met with the leaders and then went straight to the spies and said “go”.
Now, there are obvious implications from this act, and we aren’t certain if it was doubt that caused him to send out the spies, or if it was an act of obedience to something God said to him that wasn’t recorded in scripture. The severe implications from this act, whether obedience to God, or in disobedience, is that Rahab and her family are saved. Rahab was the mother of Boaz. Boaz was in the line of Jesus. So, obviously, it was in God’s great plan to save Rahab. We cannot possibly fathom God’s Sovereignty. And scripture uses the word “secretly”, which means it was a hidden act. Though we don’t know for certain if Joshua’s act was an act of doubt, or if God came back to him and told him to send the spies, we know that in disobedience, or in obedience God is still the God of all things. Of course God could have spared Rahab in a different way. She was even commended in the famous “Hebrews Hall of Faith” for her act of faith towards the spies. So, if Joshua was in sin for sending out the spies, it shows that God can take our mess-ups, or sin, and our doubt and turn it for His own Glory. We are not big enough to thwart God’s plans. We only miss out on the blessings of obedience when we choose to disobey and doubt. There is still so much to think about and read and consider. But, I am just going to camp here for a little while and ask God to help us hear His voice. Father, help us to run from the voice of the enemy and to recognize your voice alone. Protect us from doubt and fear. Help us to be strong and courageous – as you have given us great and precious promises as well. You are a good God. Help us to recognize that all the time.
So, then Joshua goes to the leaders, the officers of Israel, and he commands them to get ready to go. They tell him “Yes, we will do whatever you command us, and we will go where you send us…So be strong and courageous.” Isn’t that something? At this point, he didn’t even have resistance from his top leaders. They said, we know you are in charge and we are ready to follow – by the way – be strong and courageous, just as God said. I always kind-of imagined that Joshua was pulled aside by some of the leaders, and at their urging, he sent out spies. But, according to Joshua 2:1 – Joshua sent out the spies secretly. It was as if the enemy started whispering to him as soon as he went to the leaders and told him he was foolish – or could it have been the Lord who sent him on this mission- a mission with a purpose. We do know it was very soon after he met with the leaders because the spies stayed in the hills for three days. That was the same amount of time that Joshua had told the leaders that he would have to prepare to go to battle. So, it really seems like he met with the leaders and then went straight to the spies and said “go”.
Now, there are obvious implications from this act, and we aren’t certain if it was doubt that caused him to send out the spies, or if it was an act of obedience to something God said to him that wasn’t recorded in scripture. The severe implications from this act, whether obedience to God, or in disobedience, is that Rahab and her family are saved. Rahab was the mother of Boaz. Boaz was in the line of Jesus. So, obviously, it was in God’s great plan to save Rahab. We cannot possibly fathom God’s Sovereignty. And scripture uses the word “secretly”, which means it was a hidden act. Though we don’t know for certain if Joshua’s act was an act of doubt, or if God came back to him and told him to send the spies, we know that in disobedience, or in obedience God is still the God of all things. Of course God could have spared Rahab in a different way. She was even commended in the famous “Hebrews Hall of Faith” for her act of faith towards the spies. So, if Joshua was in sin for sending out the spies, it shows that God can take our mess-ups, or sin, and our doubt and turn it for His own Glory. We are not big enough to thwart God’s plans. We only miss out on the blessings of obedience when we choose to disobey and doubt. There is still so much to think about and read and consider. But, I am just going to camp here for a little while and ask God to help us hear His voice. Father, help us to run from the voice of the enemy and to recognize your voice alone. Protect us from doubt and fear. Help us to be strong and courageous – as you have given us great and precious promises as well. You are a good God. Help us to recognize that all the time.
i could "camp" out here a while too...funny how the Lord works!!
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